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Kidney Cleanse

Diseases that cause urinary system breakdown and illness



Most damage to the kidneys and their ability to filter and clean your blood is caused by Toxemia, excessively dirty blood, the result of a degenerative lifestyle. Your diet may be high in junk food that is laden with toxic and poisonous chemicals from preservatives to insecticides. When you start constipation, and having pounds of old fecal matter in your bowl, you are now beginning to reabsorb the poison back into your blood: autointoxication. Your kidneys don’t stand a chance and can’t handle the filtering job. They are overloaded.



Your liver and gallbladder maybe congested, overloaded and plugged because your food program is too high in Animal Foods. This causes hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels) which in turn causes hypertension (high blood pressure). High blood pressure causes almost half of all Kidney Disease.


Kidneys have a much harder time filtering out thick fatty blood than filtering out thinner blood. Filtering water is much easier than filtering ice cream, is it? Saturated fat from animal foods make your blood thick, increasing cholesterol level and therefore making it very difficult for your kidneys to filter your blood. In fact, it will clog the tiny filtering capillaries in your kidneys rendering from incapable of filtering anything.


About your blood pressure.

This fatty blood is also much harder for your heart to pump around your body so your heart has to increase its pumping force; you blood pressure. This is basic physics. If you are pumping water through a pipe of 100 feet long and now you want to pump cheese instead, it will take more pressure to pump thicker mass. This can show you that the thicker your blood is, the harder it is to pump your blood. This can cause you high blood pressure.



High blood sugar, Diabetes, causes almost the other half of Kidney Disease that High Blood pressure doesn’t. There are many known ways in which high blood sugar could hurt the kidneys. Again, the microfiltration systems of the Kidneys are very fragile to blood viscosity, pressure, toxic waste, and severe blood imbalances like Diabetes.


The only reason your Kidney are failing is because the blood they are trying to filter is more like a toxic sludge. If you clean up your lifestyle, your diet, flush out your elimination organs (especially the Bowel, the liver, Gallbladder and Kidneys) surely our body will heal itself.

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