Gum Alive Spa Toothpaste
Gum Alive Spa Toothpaste
Fact: Sugar-free gum cannot replace proper brushing when it comes to removing debris, plaque, even odor from your teeth and mouth.
Detox and Live
The healthy have many wishes The sick only have one! Thanks to modern living, our bodies are under constant assault from pollution, stress, bad postures, sedentary jobs and bad eating habits. We breathe in polluted air, eat foods filled with additives and pesticides, and drink water polluted with microbial inhabitants. Our bodies even produce their...
Kidney Cleanse
Diseases that cause urinary system breakdown and illness TOXEMIA Most damage to the kidneys and their ability to filter and clean your blood is caused by Toxemia, excessively dirty blood, the result of a degenerative lifestyle. Your diet may be high in junk food that is laden with toxic and poisonous chemicals from preservatives...